Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” is a blog about survival, self-reliance, self defense, survival fitness, short and long term food storage, bugging out, gardening, charity and giving, politics and economics, all from a Christian perspective.
My name is William and I received my first survival training in the U.S. Military in 1973. I have been interested and teaching self-reliance and survival techniques for over 20 years. I seek and have gained proficiency in self-reliance, trapping, fishing, outdoor cooking, gardening, food storage, caching, raising livestock, firearms, home security, escape and evasion techniques.
It is my belief that we face the greatest threats in our generation to our freedoms and way of life. Economic collapse in the U.S. is imminent. If you have ever thought of emergency preparedness and taking steps for self-reliance and self-defense now is the time. is a free blog dedicated to bring you the information, guide, techniques, downloads, and workable plans, to protect your family and future.
Guest contributors are welcome, please email any articles here.